F Just a Louisiana Girl in a Texas World: My favorite childhood toys

Tuesday, January 12

My favorite childhood toys

Theses are the MAIN toys I played with when I was little



  1. I loved all the same ones. I loved Sheera too.

  2. Oh my gosh! POPPIES!!! I forgot all about those. I wonder where we could get one now? I think possibly my parents still have mine!

  3. Oh I love Cabbage Patch Kids...I always cute their hair off though!

  4. HAHA!!! These are all awesome & all the ones I used to play with too.

    Cute blog lady, now following :-)


  5. We played with the same toys except I don't recall the Poppies!

  6. wow- talk about a trip down memory lane! :)
    i totally forgot about popples! i had a white one, it always reminded me of a gremlin when rolled into its ball.

  7. I just started reading... and the Ann and Andy caught my eye! My grandparents' names were Ann and Andy and they had such a stockpile of the dolls... I would pull them all out and play with every single one of them! My grandpa passed away in 2000 and my grandma gifted me her Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls... sadly they're in a box in my parents basement :( Someday they will return!!
