F Just a Louisiana Girl in a Texas World: Hello!!!

Sunday, June 28


I am still here!! Just been somewhat busy. Here is what I have been up to lately:
  • Working on my 2nd paint by numbers(this one is very detailed, so it's going slow)
  • Been reading some. You can see what I have been reading on my book blog
  • Been playing with Gumbo. I can't get enough of this cute hamster!!! He is my world
  • I have been limiting places to go. I only go to places IF I need to or need something. I do curbside for groceries. I haven't been in a grocery store since March 

My nephew turns 5 on July 1st and I turn 29........... I mean 39 hahaha on July 4th!!! Please excuse me while I go sit in a corner and cry for both. Hahaha

On a lighter note BASEBALL IS FINALLY BACK!!!!! I am so excited!!! Can't wait for it to come back, even though it's a short season, I am just excited!!!!

Have a wonderful week and have a safe July 4th!!!!!

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