F Just a Louisiana Girl in a Texas World: Hey Hey

Monday, June 28

Hey Hey

   Wow, it's been a while since I have been on here! So many things happened since I was last on 

My dad sold the house in Louisiana in May. We moved full-time to Texas in late May. I am still processing that I am living in texas and not Louisiana. Still finding my way around here and still unpacking. I know it's going to take some time getting used to living here and unpacking lol. I have been having fun so far here in Texas

In June, I flew back to Louisiana to see my mom, stepdad and grandparents. Stayed with my mom and stepdad for a week. got to celebrate my mom's birthday with her. We went to New Orleans for the day. That whole week was amazing. I was sad to leave, but my mom and stepdad will be here for my nephew's birthday and my birthday so that's going to be fun 

Gumbo is doing amazing as always. He is becoming more of a  daredevil. Testing me a lot and every day lol. Oh well, he is still a cutie and a joy to be around with

Have a wonderful week and a safe July 4th

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