F Just a Louisiana Girl in a Texas World: So long 2017

Friday, December 29

So long 2017

2017 has its ups and downs for me. I am so ready for a brand new year. 

     The good:

  1. My niece turned 1
  2. My nephew turned 2
  3. It snowed in December
  4. I went to Tennessee (got to see where I was born, Nashville and Memphis) 
  5. Started a new business
  6. The Astros winning the World Series
  7. Did the St. Jude walk (was supposed to do the ALS one, but got sick)  
  8. Went to see Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood in concert 
  9. Cooked more
  10. Reading some (hope to read more in 2018)\
  11. Got a new nanny job and loving the family
  12. Watching more Netflix (I am a binge watcher)

     The bad:
  1. A year (Feb) since we said goodbye to our big dog, Easton
  2. Losing my baby boy dog Rico. This is still hard for me to process. He was in so much pain. I still cry thinking of him, but he is in heaven with Easton, pain-free. It will get better for me.......someday
  3. Too many violence all over. My heart still aches for all the families and loves ones that died because of violence. Hopefully, it will end someday
  4. The deadly hurricanes that so many were affected and still are trying to pick up the pieces 
  5. The Cali fires and the so many were affected and still are trying to pick up the pieces 

So here is to saying GOODBYE 2017!!  I really hope 2018 is much better for me and my love ones!!! Hope you all have a great 2018!!!!

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